Jingbo Yin   Prof. Dr.  
Deputy Dean of School of Materials Science and Engineering,  
Deputy Director of Biomaterials Center,      
Shanghai University (SHU)  
Shanghai 200444, China,  
Telephone: (+86) 21 6613 8055  
Fax: (+86) 21 6998 2840  
Ph. D. (National University of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan, 1995 )  
Visiting Scholar (National University of Kazakhstan, 2000.9-2001.9)  
Professor (Shanghai University of Polymer Materials, 2005)  
Shanghai Yucai Award in 2006  
Woman Pace-Setter in Shanghai University, 2005  
First prize in Seminar of International Academic Papers of Carbon Material in Almaty, 2001  
Candidates of Academic and technical leaders of Jilin Province  
Current research interests  
Biodegradable Materials for Tissue Eengineering and Drug Release System  
Modification and Processing of Biodegradable Polylactic Acid  
Selected Publications:  
1. Shifeng Yan; a Jingbo Yin; Yang Yu; Kun Luo; Xuesi Chen, Thermo- and pH-sensitive poly(vinylmethyl ether)/carboxymethylchitosan hydrogels crosslinked using electron beam irradiation or using glutaraldehyde as a crosslinker, Polym Int, 58, 1246–1251 (2009)  
2. Zhijiang Song; Jingbo Yin; Kun Luo; Yanzhen Zheng; Yan Yang; Qiong Li; Shifeng Yan; Xuesi Chen, Layer-by-Layer Buildup of Poly(L-glutamicacid)/Chitosan Film for Biologically Active Coating, Macromol. Biosci., 9, 268–278 (2009)  
3. Xiaoxiu Li; Jingbo Yin; Zhenyang Yu; Shifeng Yan; Xiaochun Lu; Yinjie Wang; Bin Cao; Xuesi Chen, Isothermal Crystallization Behavior of Poly(L-lacticacid)/Organo-Montmorillonite Nanocomposites, Polym Compos,30,1338-1344 (2009)  
4. Shifeng Yan; Jingbo Yin; Enle Zhou, Study on the synthesis of NiZnCu ferrite nanoparticles by PVA sol–gel method and their magnetic properties, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 450, 417–420 (2008)  
5. Kun Luo; Jingbo Yin; Olga V. Khutoryanskaya; Vitaliy V. Khutoryanskiy, Mucoadhesive and Elastic Films Based on Blends of Chitosan and Hydroxyethylcellulose, Macromol. Biosci., 8, 184–192 (2008)  
6. Kun Luo; Jingbo Yin; Zhijiang Song; Lei Cui; Bin Cao; Xuesi Chen, Biodegradable Interpolyelectrolyte Complexes Based on Methoxy Poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(α,L-glutamic acid) and Chitosan, Biomacromolecules, 9, 2653–2661 (2008)  
7. Yang Yu; Jingbo Yin; Kun luo; Yongtao Xie; Shifeng Yan; Jia Ma; Xuesi Chen, Preparation of Temperature- and pH-Sensitive PVME/CMCS Hydrogels via Electron Beam Irradiation Cross-linking and Their Properties, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities(ch), 29(2), 409-414 (2008)  
8. Jingbo Yin; Xiaochun Lu; Yanlin Cao; Shifeng Yan; Jia Ma; Xuesi Chen, Preparation and Characterization of Plasticized Poly(Lactic Acid): Citrate Esters as Plasticizers, Polymer Materials Science and Engineering(ch), 24(1), 151-154 (2008)  
9. Yongtao Xie; Jingbo Yin; Changwen Zhao; Xuesi Chen, Orthogonal Test of preparation of Poly(L-glutamic acid) Through Deprotection of Poly(γ-benzyl L-glutamate), Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities(ch), 29(1), 197-200 (2008)  
10. Yan Yang; Shifeng Yan; Xiaoxiu Li; Jingbo Yin; Xuesi Chen, Preparation of Poly(L-lactide)/Surface-Grafting Silica Nanocomposites and Their Surface Induction of Bone-like Apatite in Simulated Body Fluid, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities(ch), 29(11), 2294-2298 (2008)  
11. Shifeng Yan; Jingbo Yin; Yan Yang; Zhengzhan Dai; Jia Ma; Xuesi Chen, Surface-grafted silica linked with L-lactic acid oligomer: A novel nanofiller to improve the performance of biodegradable poly(L-lactide), Polymer, 48,1688-1694 (2007)  
12. Shifeng Yan; Jingbo Yin; Jiaying Yang; Xuesi Chen, Structural characteristics and thermal properties of plasticized poly(L-lactide)-silica nanocomposites synthesized by sol–gel method, Mater Lett, 61, 2683–2686 (2007)  
13. Zhengzhan Dai; Jingbo Yin; Shifeng Yan; Tian Cao; Jia Ma; Xuesi Chen, Polyelectrolyte complexes based on chitosan and poly(L-glutamic acid), Polym Int, 56, 1122–1127 (2007)  
14. Zhenyang Yu; Jingbo Yin; Shifeng Yan; Yongtao Xie; Jia Ma; Xuesi Chen, Biodegradable poly(L-lactide)/poly(ε-caprolactone)-modified montmorillonite nanocomposites: Preparation and characterization, Polymer, 48, 6439-6447 (2007)  
15. Shifeng Yan; Jingbo Yin; Enle Zhou, Synthesis of NiZn ferrite-silica nanocomposites with a novel watermelon-like structure, Colloids and Surfaces A, 287, 153–157 (2006)  
16. Jingbo Yin; Kun Luo; Xuesi Chen; Vitaliy V. Khutoryanskiy, Miscibility studies of the blends of chitosan with some cellulose ethers, Carbohydrate Polymers, 63, 238–244 (2006)  
17. Yanlin Cao; Jingbo Yin; Shifeng Yan, Recent Research Advance in Biodegradable Poly(lactic acid) (PLA) Modification and Application, Polymer Bulletin(ch), (10), 90-97 (2006)  
18. Tian Cao; Jingbo Yin; Kun Luo; Hongdan Chen; Xuesi Chen, Synthesisi and Characterization of Poly-L-glutamic Acid with a High Molecular Weight, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities(ch), 27(2), 369-371 (2006)  
19. Kun Luo; Jingbo Yin; Danhong Chen, The Research and Development of Interpolymer Complexes, Polymer Bulletin(ch), (1), 58-64 (2006)  
20. Jingbo Yin; Hongdan Chen; Kun Luo, PreParation and Properties of Biodebradable Microspheres Containing 5-Fluorouracil, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities(ch), 26(6), 1174-1176 (2005)  

上海大学材料科学与工程学院高分子材料系 地址:上海市宝山区南陈路333号材料楼(邮编:200444)电话/传真:021-6613 8039
