SURNAME / FIRST NAME:  He Ying    ( Prof. / Ph. D / Ph.D Supervisor)

Department of Polymer Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering

,200444, P. R.

Tel: +86-021-66131386; Fax: +86-021-66132732; E-mail:

RESEARCH INTERESTS——Optoelectronic Polymer Materials and Nanocomposites

1Electroluminescence polymer materials and nanocomposites

(1) Ultraviolet-blue emitting polymer / one-dimensional semiconductor nanomaterials and devices

(2) Polymer-assisted self-assembling of one-dimensional zinc oxide nanostructures (ZnO nanowires / nanorods)

2Conductive polymer and composites

(1) Conductive polymer composites for electro-magnetic interference shielding applications

(2) Anisotropic conductive adhesives

3Thermal dispersion polymer-based nanocomposites

(1) Thermal dispersion adhesive for power LEDs

(2) Room temperature vulcanized siloxane polymers


(1) 2001.08 – 2006.07:  Ph.D in Materials Science, Department of Electronic Information Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University

(2) 1985.09 – 1989.07:  BS in Polymer Chemical Engineering, Department of Polymer Materials, Chengdu University of Science and Technology (named Sichuan University in 1998)


(1) 2014.03Now:  Department of Polymer Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Professor (former deputy director of Academic Affairs Office of Shanghai University, and Vice Dean of Sino-European School of Technology of Shanghai University), the executive director of National Materials New Technology Development Research Institute.

(2) 2013.09 – 2013.10:  University of California, Berkeley, Visiting Scholar

(3) 2011.09 – 2012.07:  Nanotech Center, East China Normal University, Visiting Scholar

(4) 2000.05 – 2011.09:  Department of Polymer Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Senior Engineer (deputy director of Department of Polymer Materials)

(5) 1989.07 – 2000.04:  Gansu Petrochemical Engineering Design Institute, Engineer, and Senior Engineer (deputy director of Technology Department, Gansu Petrochemical Engineering Design Institute; member of Gansu Chemical Industry Association)


Graduate course:   

Polymer Composites and Their Application

Optoelectronic Polymer Materials

Conductive Polymer and Composites

Introduction to Nanostructured Materials and Nanotechnology

Undergraduate course: 

Polymer Molding and Process Technology

Optoelectronic Material and Its Application

Research Methods for Polymer Materials

Chemical Process Design

Experiment of Polymer Physics

Experiment of Polymer Molding and Processing Technology


[1] Ying He, Nianhe Cheng, Xin Xu, Jiawei Fu, Jun-an Wang. A high efficiency pure organic room temperature phosphorescence polymer PPV derivative for OLED. Organic Electronics, 2019, 64 (1): 247⁓251

[2] Li Wan, Wenxiao Zhang, Yulei Wu, Xiaodong Li, Changjian Song, Ying He, Wenjun Zhang, Junfeng Fang. Efficient light harvesting with nanostructured organic electron-transporting layer in perovskite solar cells. Nanoscale, 2019, 11 (19): 9281⁓9286

[3] Li Wan, Xiaodong Li, Changjian Song, Ying He, Wenjun Zhang. Benzobis(thiadiazole)-based small molecules as efficient electron transporting materials in perovskite solar cells. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2019, 191 (3): 437~443

[4] Banghui Xiong, Jun-an Wang, Yongchong Chen, Chenghong Liu, Hongchuan Huang, Ying He. Spinodal decomposition of Ni-32.7at%Cu alloy and its effect on recrystallization texture. Heat Treatment of Metals, 2018, 43 (1): 4652. In Chinese.

[5] Ying He, Yu Cao, Hanlin Liao, Jun-an Wang. Preparation of porous cobalt aluminate and its chromogenic mechanism. Powder Technology, 2018, 324: 95⁓101

[6] Chenghong Liu, Jun-an Wang, Banghui Xiong, Zhiquan Zhang, Jichang Chen, Ying He. Cubic textured Ni-Cr-Mo-W alloy tape and its properties. Materials Review, 2017, 31 (10): 5357. In Chinese.

[7] Ying He, Hongming Jin, Yuliang Chu, Jichang Chen, Zhilei Zhang, Hongchuan Huang, Jun-an Wang. Comparison of recrystallization texture and surface ridging of ferritic stainless steels. Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment, 2017, 38 (2): 8390. In Chinese.

[8] Jun-an Wang, Erwei Liu, Jichang Chen, Huaming Wang, Zhilei Zhang, Ying He. Effect of alloying elements on the formation of recrystallization texture of Cu-Ni alloy tapes. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2016, 45 (11): 29752980. In Chinese.

[9] Hongchuan Huang, Erwei Liu, Jun-an Wang, Zhiquan Zhang, Ying He. Low Curie temperature cube textured Ni-Cr-Mo alloy tape and its property. Hot Working Technology, 2016, 45 (14): 15. In Chinese.

[10] Jun-an Wang, Erwei Liu, Zhiquan Zhang, Bo Lu, Ying He. Recrystallization texture and properties of Ni-Cu-W alloy tape. Chinese Journal of Rare Metals, 2016, 40 (3): 221226. In Chinese.

[11] Jijie Cai, Ying He, Xinnan Wang, Yu Cao, Weicheng Liu, Jun-an Wang. Synthesis and photovoltaic properties of new narrow gap polymer with DPP core. Journal of Functional Polymers, 2015, 28 (2): 136⁓146. In Chinese.

[12] Zhou Shi, Ying He, Jijie Cai, Xinnan Wang, Chaoqi He, Xianbin Tang, Jun-an Wang. Synthesis and characterization of ZnO@Graphene quantum dots with core-shell structure. Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 2014, 35 (2): 137⁓141

[13] Jizhong Song, Ying He, Jie Chen, Di Zhu, Zhaodong Pan, Yaofei Zhang, Jun-an Wang. Bicolor light-emitting diode based on zinc oxide nanorod arrays and poly(2-methoxy,5-octoxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene. Journal of Electronic Materials, 2012, 41 (3): 431436

[14] Di Zhu, Ying He, Zhaodong Pan, Yaofei Zhang, Jie Chen, Zhuo Sun, Jun-an Wang. Synthesis of the polyfluorene luminescent material and its application in flexible polymer light-emitting diode. Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 2012, 33 (1): 17⁓20

[15] Ying He, Zhaodong Pan, Yaofei Zhang, Di Zhu, Jie Chen, Jun-an Wang. Photo- and electro-luminescence of PANI / ZnOnanowire film for light-emitting layer of flexible optoelectronic devices. Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 2012, 33 (2): 201⁓205

[16] Jie Chen, Ying He, Zhaodong Pan, Yaofei Zhang, Di Zhu, Ying Gu, Jun-an Wang. Synthesis and optoelectronic properties of aromatic polyethers with a 1,8-naphthalimide unit main chain. Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 2012, 33 (3): 243⁓246

[17] Changlong Pei, Ying He, Yaofei Zhang, Di Zhu, Jie Chen, Jun-an Wang. Synthesis and properties of high thermal conductivity epoxy/ organic hybrid packaging adhesive. Polymer Materials Science and Engineering, 2012, 28 (4): 140143

[18] Feijin Deng, Ying He, Mingjun Xin. The exploration and practice of overseas exchange mode for undergraduates in Shanghai University. Higher Education of Sciences, 2012, 105 (5): 9599. In Chinese.

[19] Jizhong Song, Ying He, Di Zhu, Jie Chen, Changlong Pei, Jun-an Wang. Polymer/ZnO micro-nano array composites for light-emitting layer of flexible optoelectronic devices. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2011, 27 (5): 12071213

[20] Jizhong Song, Ying He, Zhaodong Pan, Di Zhu, Jie Chen, Jun-an Wang. PANI/nano-ZnO composites prepared by in-situ polymerization under magnetic field. Acta Chimica Sinica, 2011, 69 (13): 15821588

[21] Jizong Song, Ying He, Zhaodong Pan, Changlong Pei, Di Zhu, Jie Chen. PANI/nano-ZnO composites used as hole injection layers for flexible electro-optical devices. New Chemical Materials, 2011, 39 (9): 4547. In Chinese.

[22] Ying He, Jun-an Wang, Wenfei Zhang, Jizhong Song, Changlong Pei, Xiaoban Chen. ZnO-nanowires/PANI inorganic/organic heterostructure light-emitting diode. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 2010, 10 (11): 72547257

[23] Ying He, Jun-an Wang, Changlong Pei, Jizhong Song, Di Zhu, Jie Chen. Novel epoxy-silicone thermolytic transparent packaging adhesives chemical modified by ZnO nanowires for HB LEDs. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2010, 12 (8): 30193024

[24] Wenfei Zhang, Ying He, Changlong Pei, Jizhong Song, Di Zhu, Jie Chen. Improvement of optical property of ZnO-silicone nanocomposite by chemical grafting. Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2010, (12): 14061410

[25] Mingjun Qian, Ying He, Di Zhu, Jizong Song, Changlong Pei, Jie Chen, Xin Zhao, Qiang Wang, Cheng Yang. The revolution of flexible display. Nano Technology and development, 2010, 13 (3): 2835. In Chinese.

[26] Jizong Song, Ying He, Changlong Pei, Jie Chen, Di Zhu, Xin Zhao. Preparation and application of Nano-ZnO/polymer devices. Polymer Bulletin, 2010, (8): 1926. In Chinese.

[27] Ying He, Jun-an Wang, Xiaoban Chen, Wenfei Zhang, Xuyu Zeng, Qiuwen Gu. Blue electroluminescence nanodevice prototype based on vertical ZnO nanowire/polymer film on silicon substrate. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2010, 12 (1): 169176

[28] Ying He, Jun-an Wang, Wenfei Zhang, Xiaoban Chen, Zonghao Huang, Qiuwen Gu. Colour electroluminescence with end light-emitting from ZnO nanowire/polymer film. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 152 (1): 012054

[29] Liyin Zhou, Ying He, Wenfei Zhang, Xiaoban Chen. Development of epoxy/epoxy -silsesquioxane hybrid material for LED packaging. Engineering Plastics Application, 2009, 37 (3): 58. In Chinese.

[30] Ying He, Jun-an Wang, Xiaoban Chen, Wenfei Zhang, Xuyu Zeng, Qiuwen Gu. Blue light-emitting diode based on ZnO nanowire/polyacrlamide film on silicon substrate. Acta Polymerica Sinica, 2009, (1): 16

[31] Wenfei Zhang, Ying He, Xiaoban Chen. Progress of lens adhesive for encapsulation of high-brightness LEDs. Micronanoelectronic Technology, 2008, 45 (11): 672⁓676. In Chinese.

[32] Ying He, Jun-an Wang, Wenfei Zhang, Xiaoban Chen, Zonghao Huang. Tunable morphology of ZnO nanostructures self-assembled by polymer complexation process. Journal of Shanghai University (Natural Science Edition), 2008, 14 (5): 514⁓520. In Chinese.

[33] Xiaoban Chen, Ying He, Wenfei Zhang. Progress in ZnO nanowire and nanodevice. Micronanoelectronic Technology, 2008, 45 (10): 590⁓596. In Chinese.

[34] Licong Gao, Ying He, Liyin Zhou. Preparation and growth mechanism of polymer/ZnO nanowires. Acta Chimica Sinica, 2008, 66 (14): 1713⁓1719

[35] Ying He, Jun-an Wang, Wenbin Sang, Licong Gao, Liyin Zhou. Kinetics of ZnO nanowires self-assembling oriented growth. Acta Chimica Sinica, 2007, 65 (12): 11551160

[36] Wenbin Sang, Yunying Fang, Jianrong Fan, Ying He, Jiahua Min, Yongbiao Qian. Novel synthesis method of ZnOnanorods by ion complex transformed PVA-assisted nucleation. Journal of Crystal Growth, 2007, 299 (2): 272⁓276

[37] Zhihong Lei, Ying He, Licong Gao. Progress in conductive adhesives for microelectronic packages. Micronanoelectronic Technology, 2007, 44 (1): 4650. In Chinese.

[38] Zhihong Lei, Ying He, Licong Gao. Preparation of a novel conductive composite particle for anisotropic conductive adhesive. New Chemical Materials, 2006, 34 (11): 60⁓63. In Chinese.

[39] Zhihong Lei, Ying He, Licong Gao. Electrical conduction and reliability of anisotropic conductive adhesives filled with Ag/Cu-coated epoxy composite particles. The 8th International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated-Circuit Technology. 2006, 1034⁓1036

[40] Ying He, Jun-an Wang, Wenbin Sang, Huajun Zhi, Zhihong Lei, Licong Gao. Self-assembling oriented growth and optical properties of ZnO nanowires via polymer soft-template. Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 2006, 27 (5): 766⁓772. In Chinese.

[41] Ying He, Wenbin Sang, Jun-an Wang, Ruofeng Wu, Jiahua Min. Vertically well-aligned ZnO nanowires generated with self-assembling polymers. Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2005, 94 (1): 29⁓33

[42] Ying He, Jun-an Wang, Wenbin Sang, Ruofeng Wu, Lili Yan, Yunying Fang. Oriented growth of well-aligned ZnO nanowires by polymer self-assembling. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering, 2005, 34 (S2): 292⁓295

[43] Ying He, Wenbin Sang, Jun-an Wang, Ruofeng Wu, Jiahua Min. Polymer-assisted complexing controlled orientation growth of ZnO nanorods. Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2005, 7 (2): 307⁓311

[44] Ying He, Jun-an Wang, Wenbin Sang, Ruofeng Wu, Lili Yan, Yunying Fang. ZnO nanowire self-assembling generated via polymer and the formation mechanism. Acta Chimica Sinica, 2005, 63 (12): 1037⁓1041

[45] Lili Yan, Ying He. Progress in synthesis of quasi one-dimensional ZnO nanostructures. Materials Review, 2005, 19 (5): 96⁓98. In Chinese.

[46] Lili Yan, Ying He, Huajun Zhi, Wenbin Sang. Preparation of ZnO nanowires by ionic complexation. New Chemical Materials, 2005, 33 (1): 21⁓23. In Chinese.

[47] Ying He, Wenbin Sang, Jun-an Wang, Ruofeng Wu. Polymer-assisted self-assembling orientation growth of ZnO nanorods. The 6th IEEE CPMT Conference on High Density Microsystem Design and Packaging (HDP'04). 2004, 380⁓381

[48] Huajun Zhi, Ying He. Photocatalysis and photoluminescence of ZnO nanomaterial. Materials Review, 2004, 18 (10): 47⁓49. In Chinese.

[49] Ying He, Jun-an Wang, Minhua Chen. PANI/Cu conductive polymer composites prepared by electroless deposition. Electroplating & Finishing, 2003, 22 (3): 14⁓17. In Chinese.

[50] Ying He, Wenbin Sang, Jun-an Wang. Study and application of electroless plating process in micro-electronic materials. Semiconductor Information, 2003, 40 (5): 23⁓27. In Chinese.

[51] Jun-an Wang, Ying He, Herbert Danninger. Influence of porosity on the sliding wear behavior of sintered Fe-1.5Mosteels. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2003, 12 (3): 339⁓344

[52] Jun-an Wang, Ying He, Herbert Danninger. Heat treating of sintered Fe-1.5Mosteels and their sliding wear behavior. Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 2003, 16 (1): 51⁓59

[53] Ying He. Process for production of kerosene and carbon black from waste rubber. Journal of Chemical Industry & Engineering, 1999, 20 (4): 26⁓28. In Chinese.

[54] Ying He. Process for production of new high efficiency humic acid compound fertilizer. Journal of Chemical Industry & Engineering, 1999, 20 (1): 32⁓34. In Chinese.

[55] Ying He. The study of impact resisitance of HDPE/Rubber/CaCO3 composite materials. Materials for Mechanical Engineering, 1995, 19 (5): 23⁓26. In Chinese.


[1] Ying He, Polymer Synthesis and Polymer Materials Molding Process, Beijing: Chemical Industry Press. 2020

[2] Ying He, Polymer Synthesis and Molding Process, Beijing: Chemical Industry Press. 2013

[3] Ying He, Yan Shifeng, Yin Jinbo, Gao Nan. Coatin

上海大学材料科学与工程学院高分子材料系 地址:上海市宝山区南陈路333号材料楼(邮编:200444)电话/传真:021-6613 8039
